
5G单管塔是以单根大直径锥形钢管为主体结构的自立式高耸钢结构,塔身横截面可以 加工成圆形和正多边形两类,塔段间采用插接链接成整体,插接单管塔塔身横截面一般为正12边到正16边形,采用外爬,爬梯设在塔身外面 。

  1. 设计高度:5米-40米(楼顶塔、四柱角钢塔、铝合金塔、)10米-60米(地面塔、三柱管塔、单管塔)
  2. 设计风速:28-32M/S
  3. 裹    冰:5mm-10mm
  4. 抗震烈度:8°
  5. 适宜温度:-45℃∽45℃
  6. 垂直偏差:<1/1000
  7. 接地电阻:≤4Ω
  8. 单管塔防腐处理:单管信号塔热镀锌或刷漆(热镀锌(常用)30年不生锈;刷漆2-5年不生锈;)
  9. 安全系数:4倍
  10. 使用寿命:20年-50年
  11. 塔体材质:Q235或345
  12. 钢材来源:宝钢/首钢/邯钢/唐钢等



  1. 通讯(信)塔主要用于移动/联通/部队/铁路/广播电视等部门架设信号发射天线或微波传输设备,所以此塔也叫微波塔通信塔或广播电视塔。
  2. 5G通讯塔针对5G基站的需求专门定制,有占地小,投入低,使用率高等特点,能够快速铺设5G信号网络。
  3. 随着5G商用的推广,5G通讯塔的需求也在慢慢的增长,5G网络速度快,但是它的信号带宽的特性要求5G基站数量更多,密集的基站点是5G发展的硬性需求。
  4. 5G通讯他/独管塔多与路灯/监控杆公用,从而减少基站通讯塔的成本。
Communication tower is mainly used for mobile/unicom/army/railway/radio and television departments to set up signal transmitting antenna or microwave transmission equipment, so this tower is also called microwave tower communication tower or radio and television tower.5G communication tower is specially customized for the needs of 5G base station. It has the characteristics of small footprint, low investment and high utilization rate, and can quickly lay 5G signal network.With the promotion of 5G commercial use, the demand for 5G communication towers is also growing slowly. 5G network is fast, but its signal bandwidth requires more 5G base stations, and dense base stations are a hard requirement for 5G development.5G communication is Shared by many towers and street lamps/monitoring poles, thus reducing the cost of base station communication towers.
